چهارشنبه ۱۶/ خرداد /۱۴۰۳ ۰۶:۴۰:۵۶


? Why is language learning such a big deal right now

Today, more than ever, we live in a connected world. Technology allows us to build real relationships in many countries at once – and that’s creating immense opportunity for those with the right skills. People worldwide need to understand and interface with different cultures in the course of their work and travels. The success of emerging economies and.global trade, then, depends on foreign language learning.


 ?What is our institution doing about it

Iran National Language Institution was founded in 2007.Our Institution provides the best of two worlds: a small-town     setting and a study program that meets international teaching standards

Our Intensive English Program focuses on practical learning and the special needs of language learners.We follow a communicative approach to language learning - one that believes the most natural way to learn a language is to use it.

Most of our students study in high school,we are trying to give them a chance to be ready for entrance exam. We offer programs that provide a theoretical and practical education–one that is enhanced by rigorous curricula.